Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Our Years Are Numbered

Yes, when we look at the world, society seems on the verge of mass psychosis. Mankind seems more polarized than ever, more easily triggered into warring against the enemy Other. Meanwhile, the world burns - literally and devastatingly, at rapid speed, in Austalia (following upon the Amazon and California fires), and at slower speed thru global warming. In such a context, it’s easy to see dystopian future timelines - either of mass extinction (including humans) or of a soulless (de-souled) Transhumanism where future generations live as sentient machines in a virtual reality detached from Nature and Spirit.

But are there happier possibilities, at least for us at the individual level? Many in the metaphysical community refer to 2020 as a turning point; in late December, I saw the word “RESET” (all in capital letters) scroll across the page while I was gazing at a mandala in “open eyed” meditation....and the Pluto/Saturn conjunction does point to a “resetting”, a rebirth thru death of the obsolete, a potential resurrection that’s more difficult if we resist (rather than surrender to) Pluto’s demand for deep (alchemical) transformation.

On December 31, 2019, I got the following message about 2020:

“It’s so much about The Vision. Think of your association of 2020 (or 20/20) with “perfect vision”.....the year of clear vision, when we see clearly (no more blurring) what we want to build with those Master Architect (22/4) energies. Clear 20/20 vision of who we each really are, of who we are as a species and planet, and of where we are going. With “perfect or perfecting vision”, everything in this realm becomes crystal clear.....but our vision also expands so that we see more clearly in higher dimensions. Multi-dimensional clair-voyance.....and clair-voyaging as our soul’s True North begins to radiate with crystal clarity and we no longer “get lost” in navigating thru/towards (our soul purpose, our journeying thru/to a given realm).

Later, I saw the image of a fractalized snowflake as representing some of the energies of clarity and illumination. A snowflake is crystalline - water molecules structured into crystalline form. Because it’s unadulterated by other energies, crystal is a pure conduit for incoming energies; it can hold those energies in their pristine form. As a geometric structure, it can also reflect those energies or radiate what it holds in a specific direction (determined by the geometry. If the geometry is complex, this light can be reflected in more directions. Fractalization means that the same geometry repeats infinite times, down to the infinitesimal; thus the light can be beamed in infinite directions. The geometrically complex, fractalized crystal becomes like a tiny sun, radiating its pristine energies into everything (even, perhaps especially, the darkest cracks that particularly need illumination).  Many fractalized snowflakes means.....many points that radiate, many mini-suns that illuminate/reveal what was hidden and that emanate pristine energies of “what could be” on an untarnished (healed, polished clear) earth.

During a mediation on Jan 1st, I saw the image of an overcast, homogeneously dim-white sky (like the cloud cover before it snows). Then a dark crack appeared in the homogeneous whiteness, which grew dark tributaries that branched off into even smaller tributaries. The cracks and tributaries widened, at first showing only a menacing blackness beyond; as the cracks widened further, I began to see stars twinkling in that blackness. Asking what the image meant, I received this message:

You’ve spoken of veils - the fog in your mind, heart and soul that obscures the path ahead or the path to recognizing your gifts; the fog or clouds of dim half-light that have cocooned your planet for eons. Now there are tears in those veils and clouds, rips as the old, confining matrix starts to shred. Here you can see beyond the clouds to the fathomless universe. At first, the cracks in the veil may look ominous and dark, like tentacles of blackness. But as they widen, you see the shimmering stars in the blackness and recognize that the “blackness” isn’t sinister at all. It’s the dark of the vibrant void - which is conscious, alive, tingling with infinite possibilities eager to join together into new creations. As the veils and clouds shred apart, the “space between” once dense clouds becomes an entry, a portal, for elements of the **entirely new** to enter your consciousness, for manifestation in your reality. This is also a gift of 2020 vision - to see into the womb of all possibilities (the void), the dark cave of creation. Your challenge is to surrender old habits of fear, habitual (unconscious) beliefs - and welcome in, embrace these new possibilities so that this can become the year of **unforeseeable** changes. 

I saw an image of the Fool card of the traditional tarot deck and heard “Take a leap of faith into Hope and Trust”. The Fool is the Innocent, who hasn’t yet begun his journey (at this new point, at the origin of the new spiral). He can leap with the boldness of unadulterated faith, because he’s not yet experienced the struggles associated with later points in the journey; he is free, free from memories and thus free of expectations. Later in the journey, after suffering betrayal and loss and pain, our hero might become jaded, too cynical for any “leap of faith”; expecting past struggles to recur, he might easily get caught in a loop of re-creating a future that mirrors a dark past, and not break free of “old patterns” or “karma”. He would become a prisoner of expectations based in his past. 

But that journey suggests that evolution is merely circular, a path where one ends where one has begun and, despite much journeying, no progress has occurred. The destination is the Origin point; one has spent a lot of energy merely “running in place”, or frantically running on a hamster wheel that goes nowhere. This is the circle of eternal re-occurance, the wheel of karma where the same patterns/problems (simultaneously exasperating , but also boring due to their repetition) repeat over and over, ad nauseum.

But, what if the evolutionary journey is not a flat-disc circle.....but a spiral? Then, we don’t end where we’ve begun; we begin anew at a higher octave, where resemblances to the old may be apparent or invisible due to their subtlety. Then, we can no longer predict that future experiences will involve anything familiar - can’t predict loss and pain (Or, if struggle occurs, how it will be felt and experienced, what the subjective reality will be). So, if we recognize that we are starting anew from a different level of the spiral, our past beliefs/projections about “what will happen” are longer useful navigation tools. We’re in the realm of the unknown, navigating by intuition....navigating most easily and effectively if we’re freed from ancient memories, beliefs and expectations.

Making this relevant to astrology: Currently Neptune (in Pisces) is sextile sun and Mercury (in Capricorn).....asking us to dissolve old identity structures and old thought patterns, so that we (with Neptunian innocence) can surrender into the potential for magic.

A New Earth can not be seen, understood or built from an Old Earth mindset; a new Vision must be rooted in true hope, and arise out of receptivity to (indeed, welcoming) the new.....that which lies beyond even the expansive confines of our imagination.

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